How to Take Care of Your Dog
On July 4th
The Problem
You probably know this if you've had dogs. If you're a new dog owner, there are some things you should know before you spend the first July 4th with your pup.
In general, dogs are afraid of loud noises. Think of the thunderstorms. The random and unpredictable loud noises really scare and freak them out. It's the same for us humans. Imagine if all we heard were loud booms and we didn't know wey are coming from, we would be scared too. It's no different for your pup. Dogs have a much greater sense of hearing than we do. So the loud fireworks can trigger their fight-or-flight response because they think it's a threat.
This really surprised us, but during our research, there was actually one dog who died from suffering a heart attack from fireworks. You can read more about it here.
Also, July 4th remains one of the busiest days of the year for animal shelters because dogs escape for the reasons mentioned above.
The Solution
"So what should I do?"
3. Put a thunder shirt on them if you have one
The constant pressure helps them to calm down and soothes them. If you don't have a thunder shirt, here's a free and effective wrapping technique called "Half Wrap". All you need is a scarf or an Ace Bandage. You can see the method here.
This article was a combination of all of the sources listed below:
- the dodo
Photo Credit:
1st image - Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash
2nd image - Photo by Ayla Verschueren on
3rd image -
4th image - Photo by Delphine Beausoleil on Unsplash
5th image - Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash
7th image - Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash